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Q: What words does the supreme court have in the entrance?
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What motto is carved in marble over the entrance of the US Supreme Court?

A stuchue

Supreme Court justices are allowed to serve for .?

They are allowed to serve on the Supreme Court for the entire time they are alive. In other words, a lifetime.

How long are Supreme Court justices allowed to serve for?

They are allowed to serve on the Supreme Court for the entire time they are alive. In other words, a lifetime.

Who has final say in explaining the Constitution?

The Supreme Court.

What is the highest court in the United states-?

The correct name is the Supreme Court of the United States, but most people refer to it as the US Supreme Court. Each state has its own Supreme Court, but the US Supreme Court is the end of the line.

Who announces the US Supreme Court justices' entrance?

The Marshall of the Court announces the justices as they enter the courtroom by chanting, "The Honorable, the Chief Justice and the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States. Oyez! Oyez! Oyez! All persons having business before the Honorable, the Supreme Court of the United States, are admonished to draw near and give their attention, for the Court is now sitting. God save the United States and this Honorable Court!"

Who can rule that federal laws are unconstitutional?

(Supreme Court)

Why was Marbury V Madison an important supreme court decision?

It was a concept of judicial review. In other words the supreme court have the authority to review other branches of court and decide whether or not the cases are unconstitutional.

What is the highest court in the US?

The US Supreme Court is the highest court in the US. Each state has its own Supreme Court, but the US Supreme Court is the end of the line.

What is the two highest courts in two words and 12 letters?

Supreme Court

Which has the greater authority U.S Supreme Court or the state Supreme Court?

U.S Supreme Court

What type of court is the supreme court?

The US Supreme Court is the highest appellate court in the United States.