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Well I remember that it was to push a conflict in between nations to its highest point so the US could have maximum power over it. By conflict I mean like just disputes not actual war or anything like that. This was a bad policy because this was the age of nuclear weapons. A nation could get really pissed off and blow the whole world up.

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Ronaldo Rodriguez

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2y ago
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15y ago

As I'm not privy to White House documents, I'll have to go with what the government STATED was the primary goal...Containment of communism. The idea was that A) The U.S. would not invade communists countries, but they would do whatever it took to prevent communism to spread into other countries and B) Would use counter-intelligence to undermine the government of countries under the Soviet.

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10y ago

The primary goal of U.S. foreign policy during the Cold War was to deter the Soviet Union from direct aggression of any kind towards other nations, especially the West. Another important goal was to counter Communist takeovers of third-world (or other) nations through support of West-friendly governments, such as in Korea and in Vietnam.

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10y ago

American foreign policy during the Cold War had two primary objectives. The first was to deter explicit Communist aggression (primarily from the Soviet Union) towards the United States and its allies through the use of nuclear arms and other conventional weapons. The second was to counter Communist expansion into other world-nations through indirect means, although direct means (as in Korean and Vietnam) were sometimes utilized, as well.

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7y ago

The Cold War was a war of political philosophies and the United States and other democratic governments wanted to stop Russia spreading communism. We are in a new Cold War today, but instead of look over at each other with tanks and guns it is through false news and the internet. Right now the communist are winning and we don't even know it.

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16y ago

To prevent Soviet incursion into European allied nations and to prevent any invasion of United States by the Soviet Union.

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14y ago

the cold war was a space race and arms race between the USA and USSR

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12y ago

To maintain their hegemony as a world power (superiority) while avoiding a full out nuclear war

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16y ago

disarm soviet union

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4y ago

what two major countries were involved in the cold war

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