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conservation and business reform

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Zoie Bergstrom

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conservation and business reform

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Q: What were some of Theodore Roosevelt's goals for New Nationalism during his presidency?
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Did the Yalta conference take place during Truman's presidency?

no it took place during roosevelts presidency

Who was aggressive for nationalism popularized by U.S. press?

Theodore Roosevelt was aggressive in promoting nationalism, which was popularized by the U.S. press during his presidency. He used a strong rhetoric and policies to advance the idea of American exceptionalism and assert U.S. power on the global stage.

What legislation passed during roosevelts presidency to protect citizens and what did he do to protect the environment?

he suck his own dick

What happen to national debt during roosevelts presidency?

During his presidency the national debt was held steady until the war began and all money went towards wining the war.

Who was the first president to travel overseas during his presidency?

Theodore Roosevelt

The spanish-american war was fought during the presidency of?

Theodore Roosevelt

The Spanish American war was fought during the presidency of?

Theodore Roosevelt

The Panama Canal was built during who's presidency?

Theodore Roosevelt

What were Mcickrakers?

If you meant Muckrakers they were journalists that exposed corruption. Their rise in popularity came in the early 1900s during Teddy Roosevelts Presidency

Who was vice president when Theodor Roosevelt was the president?

The vice president during Theodore Roosevelt's presidency was Charles Fairbanks

Where there any wars during Theodore Roosevelt's Presidency?

The most significant war during the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt was the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05. To the surprise of many, Japan soundly defeated the Russians. US president Theodore Roosevelt helped to broker the peace treaty following the war. Roosevelt was awarded the Nobel Prize for peace for his efforts.

What did Franklin Roosevelts presidency increased the power of what branch of government?

The changes made during the Depression and World War II greatly expanded the powers of the Executive branch.