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FDR as a PresidentHere are some opinions:
  • I would think being the only President ever elected to a third (let alone a fourth) term could be considered a success.
  • Roosevelt was a good president during World War 2. He helped the American people prepare themselves for war.
  • I do not think that he was. Before World War 2 Roosevelt was said to have ties to the Mafia.
  • Many people credit Roosevelt for taking America through World War 2. Others critize him for getting the US involved in the war in the first place. They point out that he worked to get America actively fighting in Europe for years, and taunted the Japanese into a first strike.
  • Many people credit Roosevelt for helping America through the Great Depression. Others criticize him for prolonging the depression and making it more painful for working people. They will explain how he socialized the US economy in ways that would have made the founding fathers roll over in their graves.
  • For people, like my parents who are old enough to remember FD Roosevelt firsthand. They would say "yes" he was a success. For them his radio addresses gave them hope for the future in WWII. He inspired them to carry on and not give up . He was much admired.
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11y ago
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15y ago

Harry S (with no period!) Truman was one of our best presidents. His early life wasn't all that successful - going broke in a menswear partnership, for instance. He served in World War I as an army captain, and those under his command were ever after fiercely loyal to him. His success began when he entered county politics in his hometown (not his birthplace!) of Independence, Mo., and gave the people in his county the roads they'd been paying for. His next success was being elected to the U.S. Senate, and later as Roosevelt's last Vice President. His ultimate success was being elected President after completing Roosevelt's last term. Go to your public library and check out one of the Truman biographies ..... you'll learn a lot more about this great man than I can write here.

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10y ago

During the tenure of Franklin Delano Roosevelt as US President, 1933 - 1945, many changes were made to the United States. Some of them can be called accomplishments and some of his political enemies might have called them results. To cover both aspects of his administration both his accomplishments and results of his administration are summarized as:

A In his first 100 days in office he:

A1. Launched his New Deal depression relief measures; and

A2. Revived the US Banking industry.

B. Became the first US President to visit Latin America;

C. Helped ratify the 21st Amendment to the US Constitution ending Prohibition;

D. Put forth the Social Security Act which was passed;

E. The WPA work program was enacted;

F. The "NLRB" the National Labor Relations Board was created;

G. His plan to "pack" the Supreme Court in order to have his laws pass was rejected; and

H. Declared war on the xix powers of Germany & Japan.

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13y ago

Franklin Delano Roosevelt spent 12 years and 3 months in office in office (4 terms, died at the very beginning of the 4th), had a major impact on America, and signed the New Deal.

The only thing to fear is fear itself
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14y ago

one could be the fact that he cheated on his wife eleanor.

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11y ago

He tried and failed to masturbate.

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racial prejudice

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He Died...

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He died...

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Q: What were some of Franklin D. Roosevelt's failures as president?
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This is some what true but not what the answer to the question was-Franklin D. Roosevelt Became President by Fard work getting a good education by going to hardverd being a good persone & getting electoreal votes from the people.He became the president in 1933. He was born in Hyde Park,New York.

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