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he was to keep America out of war with France and normalize relations.

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Q: What were john Adam's greatest accomplishments?
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Why were John Adams accomplishments under appreciated for so long?

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What were John Quincy Adams minor accomplishments?

There are several minor accomplishments of John Quincy Adams. For instance he unified the South and the North in the Revolutionary War and stopped the war with France to normalize the country among others.

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John Adams had a great deal of accomplished things in his life time. From being a founding father to becoming president he also now has a beer named after him.

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One of John Quincy Adams greatest accomplishments was writing the Monroe Doctrine. Another accomplishment was that he became the 6th President of the United States.

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What were John Quincy Adams major accomplishments?

President, created the navy and also was the first president son of another president

Why should we remember John Q Adams?

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Was Francis G Adams related to John Adams or John Q Adams?

Francis G Adams was related to neither John Adams or John Q adams but John Adams and John Q Adams are father and son father=John Adams son=John Q Adams

What was passed by president john Adams to stop the criticism of the federal government?

The Alien and Sedition Acts, Abigail Adams considered them her husband's greatest mistakes.

What were John Adams' good accomplishments as president?

he stopped many bad things from happening even though he sided with the British at some times