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They were members of the 1st Special Forces Group that were temporarily assigned to MACV-SOG to lead indigenous "Hatchet" Companies in Vietnam.

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Q: What were Special Forces Snake Bite Teams?
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Snake bite first affects?

A snake bite first affects the blood stream and the area immediately around the bite. If the snake is venomous, a raised infected area may raise up around the bite.

Can I get a snake bite ring on the first placement?

Yes, you can get a snake bite ring on the first placement

When was Snake Bite Love created?

Snake Bite Love was created on 1998-03-10.

What is the name of the old movie where the man turns into a snake because of a snake bite?

SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS and it wasn't a snake bite it was injections of cobra venom.

is there poison in a garden snake bite?

There is no poison in the bite of a garden snake. This snake is actually known as the garter snake and is considered to be very helpful in controlling rodents and bugs in gardens.

What does snake bites picercies mean?

well snake bite percings are two little holes on both bottom corners of your lip. Its called snake bite because it looks like a snake bite your lip. i hope that was good enough for you :).

What happens to your snake bite piercings when you grow older?

The best course of action is to never get a snake bite piercing.

What is the move that Aidan Davis can do?

THE SNAKE BITE the snacke bite

Does a ringneck snake bite?

Yes, a ringneck snake can bite if threatened or handled. However, their bites are non-venomous and usually not harmful to humans. It is best to leave them undisturbed in their natural habitat.

Will grass snakes bite you?

Any snake will bite if provoked.

What to do for a corn snake bite?

do nothing it's not a venomous snake :)