Nixon said that most of his views were the same as those from Kennedy. Only the means by which they should be realized were different.
An important difference was that Nixon wanted a strong America. Not to fight wars, but to have a good position to negotiate from.
So he succeeded years later with China and the Sovjet Union. But not with Vietnam, because they did not want to negotiate at all.
He was cool
Tricky Dicky
what was richard nixons salary as president
he continued richard nixons foreign policy
he had no sister
Richard 2nd name Milhous
Hannah Cathrine Ryan
Richard Nixon was a member of the Republican party.
President Richard M. Nixon's mother was Hannah Milhous (1885-1967).
President Nixon's middle name was Milhouse.
The Nixons were married at the Mission Inn in Riverside, California.
He Was Richard Nixons Tax Accountant