James Monroe's full name is James Monroe , he does not have a middle name . James Monroe's full name is James Monroe . James Monroe does not have a middle name. James Monroe's full name is James Monroe.
The Monroe family had a Spaniel dog, but no name is recorded in the Presidential pet museum web site.
James Monroe
James Monroe, he did not have a middle name.
Yes, James Monroe did have a pet. However, he only had one and not several. He had a dog who was a spaniel.
James Monroe was his full name. He did not have a middle name.
James Monroe had a spaniel named "Spitfire" as one of his pets.
No, James Monroe was not a part of the Monroe family.
James monroe's mom was named Elizabeth Jones Monroe
James Monroe, 5th President of the United States, was the son of Spence Monroe and Elizabeth Jones Monroe.
James MonroeIf your talking about U.S.A. then James Monroe was the 5th president
President James Monroe had no middle name. But a lot of people liked to call him Jammin' Monroe. yes he didd but i dont kno it