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As a politician he believed in the US Constitution and took a literal approach. He believedin the preservation of the federal union was worth making compromises over slavery. He believed that political parties were a necessary part of government in the United States. He was baptized into the Episcopalian church later in life.

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Q: What were Franklin Pierce goals before he was elected president?
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Who was Franklin?

Franklin Pierce was the President of the United States from March 4, 1853 to March 4, 1857. Before becoming President, Pierce was a United States Senator from New Hampshire.

Is fort pierce named after Franklin Pierce?

Yes it was named after the 14th President Franklin Pierce and Fort Pierce is located in Florida. He served in office for four years and had three sons who all died before they could see there dad as President. Franklin was also the first President to have a Christmas Tree in the White House and the youngest president born in the 19th century.

Who was defeated for vice president before he was elected president?

Franklin D. Roosevelt ran for vice-president in 1920 but lost. He was elected President in 1932,1936,1940 and 1944.

Did Franklin Pierce ever end a war?

The US was not at war while Pierce was the President. Pierce saw action in the Mexican War and served in the army until the war ended before he was president

Franklin Peirce was who?

Franklin Peirce was the 14th democratic presidentWell yes Franklin Peirce was the 14 th president, and yes he was a Democrat. He was not the 14th Democrat President.

What position was Franklin Pierce in the Mexican War?

He ended the war as a brigadier general , after having enlisted as a private and being promoted to colonel,

What political experince did Franklin Pierce have?

Before he was President, Pierce served in the New Hampshire legislature , as a US Congressman from NH and as a US Senator.

What did Confederate President Jefferson Davis served as Secretary of before the civil war?

Davis served President Franklin Pierce as Secretary of War

What cabinet position did Jefferson Davis hold before the war?

Davis was Secretary of War for President Franklin Pierce

What was Jefferson Davis secretary of before the civil war?

Davis was Secretary of War in the administration of President Franklin Pierce

Who was the 1st president to have the vice president die in office?

That was Franklin Pierce whose running mate, Rufus King died before he made it to Washington .