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Q: What was the senate hearings for Nixon about?
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The hearings to impeach a president always start in the Senate?

The hearings to impeach a president do not start in the Senate. They start at the House of Representatives before proceeding to the Senate.

Do the members of the President's cabinet go through Senate hearings?

Their appointment must be approved by the Senate, so Senate hearings are a possibility.

Do The hearings to impeach a president always start in the Senate.?

Yes, hearings to impeach a president always start in the senate.

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What were Educational Hearings on Vietnam about?

they were informing the senate on military strategy.

What are three effects of the of the Watergate scandal?

Attorney General Mitchell resigned in disgrace. Nixon replaced Kliendest with Richardson, and the televised Senate Committee hearings led to Nixon's resignation one step ahead of an Impeachment indictment.

Who has the power to act as the jury in all impeachment hearings?

In the US, it is the Senate.

If the president is charged with a crime the senate acts as the jury in the..?

... impeachment hearings.

What did the following men tell the senate about Nixon?

It is unclear which specific men you are referring to. However, during the Senate Watergate hearings, several witnesses provided testimony about President Richard Nixon's involvement in the Watergate scandal. Former White House Counsel John Dean, for example, provided information on Nixon's knowledge of the break-in and subsequent cover-up. Additionally, other individuals like Alexander Butterfield revealed the existence of Nixon's secret tapes which played a crucial role in understanding his actions.

Joseph r McCarthy went after the US army in televised hearings claiming that is was full of communists what did these hearings lead to?

A Senate censure of McCarthy

Who testified against Nixon during the watergate hearings?

John Dean, the White House Counsel.

In impeachment seatings the house may?

Impeachment starts in the House, but the hearings are held in the Senate.