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Q: What was the result of hoovers order to remove army bonus out of Washington?
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What was the result of hoovers order to remove the bonus army out of Washington dc?

The order ended any chance he had to be reelected.

What was the result of Hoover's orders to remove the bonus army out of Washington DC?

The order ended any chance he had to be reelected.

How did Douglas MacArthur respond to herbert hoovers order to clear bonus army veterans from their makeshift camps?

he used force to remove to protesters.

How didgeneral Douglas MacArthur respond to herbert hoovers order to clear bonus army veterans from their makeshift camps?

He used force to remove protesters

What did president hoover do that directly led the bonus army march on Washington in 1932?

allowed federal troops to remove the Bonus Army with great force

What was the results of Hoover's order to remove the bonus army out of Washington DC?

The order ended any chance he had to be reelected.

Why did bonus army march on Washington D.C.?

Why did the Bonus Army march on Washington, D.C.?

How did hoovers treatment of bonus army affect his standing with the public?

Most American citizens were outraged by Hoover's treatment of the Bonus Army. So much so, that he lost the election to Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Why did the bonus army march on Washington dc?

Why did the Bonus Army march on Washington, D.C.?

What method did Douglas MacArthur use to cear the bonus army from Washington D.C.?

tear gas and bayonets NOVANET

Where did the bonus army march?

To Washington D.C.

Who were the veterans who marched on Washington in support of the veterans' bonus bill were nicknamed the army?

They were nicknamed The Bonus Army