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Q: What was the occupation as the members of the Roosevelt brain trust?
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What was the occupation of the members of the brain trust?

law professors

What was the occupation of the members of the Roosevelt Brain Trust?

The term is most associated with the group of advisors to Franklin D. Roosevelt during his presidential administration. The Brain Trust was a group of scholars and experts that advised the president with ideas for his New Deal.

What is was Franklin D Roosevelt's cabinet's nickname?

It is Brain trust aka black cabinet

What was Franklin D Roosevelt's special advisory group dubbed?

Brain trust

What was Franklin D. Roosevelt's advisors called?

Presidents often have numerous individuals with whom they consult. In President Roosevelt's case, his closest adviser was Harry Lloyd Hopkins.

Franklin D Roosevelt's kitchen cabinet was know as?

brain trust

Which president consulted with the brain trust?

president FDR - Franklin D. Roosevelt

Who did president Roosevelt count on to help him guide the nation to recovery?

Franklin Delano Roosevelt counted on the Brain Trust to help him guide the nation to recovery from the Great Depression. The Brain Trust was a group of his close political advisers, who were renowned for their expertise in various fields.

Close advisors to Franklin D. Roosevelt were called what?

His advisers were known as the "brain trust".

What was the Brain Trust during the Great Depression?

The Brain Trust was made up of Raymond Moley, Rexford Guy Tugwell, and Adolf A. Berle Jr. they were Roosevelt's advisors when he was governor and president. They were called the Brain Trust because of their academic background.

What name was given to Roosevelts cabinet and close advisors?

The "Brain Trust" was given to Roosevelt's cabinet and close advisors.

What statement provides the best description of the Brain Trust?

The Brain Trust is a group of scholars and experts that advised the president (Franklin D. Roosevelt) with ideas about the new deal.