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Q: What was the largest German artillery gun was named?
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What German gun is named after Gustav Krupp?

The 80 cm K(E) Railroad Gun commonly called the "Dora" was called the "Gustav" by the Germans. It had a crew of 2,000, a General Officer in command and in the 13 day that it was operational, it only fired 48 rounds in combat. It remains the largest artillery piece ever built.

What is a big gun?

A big gun is a large artillery gun or one of the largest-calibre naval guns, or a person, group or thing which is powerful, influential, or effective.

What is the farthest ranging artillery piece?

The German 'Paris Gun' could fire approximately 75 miles.

What wa the biggest gun in world war 2?

The massive Schwerer Gustav gun (80 cm (31 in) was the largest artillery piece (Railway Gun) to be used in combat deployed by Germany .

How big is the artillery gun?

The largest artillery piece currently employed by the U.S. Army is the 155mm Howitzer. Its shell diameter is 155mm and each shell weighs 43.5 kg, or about 95 lbs.

What is a big gun which fires shells?


What is the wheeled support of a gun?

The wheeled support of an artillery gun is called the carriage.

What is the biggest airborn gun?

The largest airborne gun is carried by the AC-130 Hercules Spectre Gunship. It packs a 105mm M102 Howitzer. This is a field artillery cannon modified to fire from the aircraft in ground support roles.

What is the name of the German Cannon that fired on Paris in World War 1?

The name of the German cannon that fired on Paris in World War 1 was the "Paris Gun" or "Kaiser Wilhelm Geschütz." It was a long-range artillery gun designed to shell targets from a distance of over 120 kilometers.

What are artillery explosions?

An Artillery piece (large cannon) or gun firing a large calibre shell. When the shell landed this would be an artillery explosion.

Who made the German machine gun?

Several companies. The largest was not a company, but the state run munitions plant DWM.

What is a AAA gun?

Anti-Aircraft gun