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Q: What was the effect of Congress been unable to pass new tax laws?
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Branch of government putting laws into effect?

Legislative (congress)

What does the Executive branch of government do?

It puts the laws and programs of Congress into effect

What laws were vetoed but then over ridden by Congress?

One hundred ten laws have been vetoed but then overridden by Congress -- too many to list.

What effect did the continental congress have on the colonies?

the continental congress held a meeting discussing britans unfair laws and taxes. there were 2 contininental congress mettings. one was to discuss the laws and taxes. the other was to form the continental army. congress decided that the leader of this army would be George Washington

Can suggest laws and send messages to congress?

I don't know but i hope you can. So far it has been unanswered. In the UK the government is allowing citizens to suggest laws to congress but that is the only Country so far that can suggest laws.

The what has been used by Congress in writing laws about things not directly mentioned in the Constitution?


What is one of the laws that has been passed by Congress without the signature of the President?

the law is poopo

What is the presidents act of saying no to a bill from Congress?

The President of the US has the duty to prevent laws passed by Congress from going into effect by using his powers to veto.

Who may veto laws or pass laws for the city?

the congress may veto laws or pass laws for a city.

An act of congress which has been signed by the president or passed over his veto?

Laws are acts that are signed by the president of passed by Congress over his veto.

What does bankruptcy allow congress to do?

Bankruptcy laws allow Congress to establish a framework for individuals and businesses to seek relief from overwhelming debt by offering various forms of bankruptcy protection. Congress can create laws that determine the eligibility requirements, the process of filing for bankruptcy, and the rights and obligations of debtors and creditors involved in the proceedings.

Have laws ever been signed by any president that didn't go through Congress first?
