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Q: What was one world event that happened when James Garfield was president?
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What was one world event that happened during James Garfield was president?

World War One. He fought in that war, too.

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The assassination of James Garfield

What event changed the Republican Party's position on civil service?

The Assassination of President James Garfield

What event changed the republican party's position on civil reform?

The Assassination of President James Garfield

What event changed the republican party's on civil service reform?

The Assassination of President James Garfield

What tragic event led to Chester Arthur becoming president?

Chester A. Arthur succeded to the office of President after President James Garfield was assassinated.

What event changed the republican party's position on civil service reform?

The Assassination of President James Garfield

What event change the republican party position on civil service reform?

The assassination of president James Garfield

What event changed the republican party's position on civil service reforms?

The Assassination of President James Garfield

What event changed the republican party position on civil service reform?

The Assassination of President James Garfield

What event changed the Republican party's position on civil services reform?

The Assassination of President James Garfield

What event changed the Republican Party position on civil service reforms?

The Assassination of President James Garfield