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it built long-term resentment against the united states

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Q: What was one of eisenhower's expansion of the role of the CIA in the 1950s?
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Related questions

What was the result of CIA actions in Iran in the 1950s?

The results of the CIA was that they had got beat up really bad nd that they got ran away from their own town

What was the role of the CIA in cold war?

The CIA actually offered military support, consisting in weapons.

What was the CIA role in cold war?

The CIA actually offered military support, consisting in weapons.

The CIA succeeded in overthrowing the governments of which two nations during the 1950s?

A) cuba gautemaloes, and eye ran

Which Iranian leader was overthrown in a CIA-inspired coup during the early 1950s?

The democratically elected Prime Minister, Mohammed Mosaddeq. In 1953.

When was Project MKULTRA created?

Project MKULTRA was created in the early 1950s by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). It was officially authorized in 1953.

How did the cold war bring about reforms in the US military and intelligence establishments in the 1940s and 1950s?

The Cold War helped to create the CIA and other spy organizations throughout the military. The Soviet Union had the KGB and with the CIA and FBI the U.S. responded. Thus began spying on each other.

What role did the CIA play in the cold war?

The CIA actually offered military support, consisting in weapons, to Afghanistan in their conflict against the Russians. You can watch "Charlie Wilson's war" or read the book with the same name.

What is the worlds largest spy agency?


Can there be agents in the CIA?

The CIA is composed of agents. CIA agents!

What is operation mockingbird?

Operation Mockingbird was a secret campaign by the CIA to influence media organizations and journalists during the 1950s and 1960s. The goal was to manipulate news coverage and shape public opinion in favor of the agency's agenda.

What was the role of the CIA in Iran?

The CIA launched a coup d'état against Iranian President Mohammed Mossadegh in 1953 and helped to reinstall the Shah of Iran. This act, more than any other, has embittered Iranians to American Foreign Policy.