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What was one economic problem the United States was suffering from when John F. Kennedy became President?

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Annalise Quitzon

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2y ago
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12y ago

In the US, unemployment had increased. While not high by historic standards, it impacted the growth of the economy.

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What was one economic problem the United States was suffering from when John F. Kennedy became President?

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high unemployment (novanet)

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Q: What was one economic problem the united states was suffering when john f Kennedy became president?
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What was the economic problem the US was suffering from when John F Kennedy became president?

What was one economic problem the United States was suffering from when John F. Kennedy became President?

What was the economic problem the US was suffering from when Kennedy became president?

High Unemployment

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President John F, Kennedy was known mostly for his advocation of NASA and putting pressure on the Soviet Union. Although he did not achieve any major successes during his presidency he was noted for being a strong supporter for civil rights.

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One of the main issue's for President John Kennedy during his campaign was his religion. There had never been a Catholic become President before. It is the same problem we are having with Mitt Romney. He is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Also called a Mormon or LDS. Religion shouldn't be a problem.

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In philosophy, this is called the problem of evil and suffering. If God is all-powerful, all-knowing, all good, and the sole creator of the world, then why is there evil and suffering? The problem can only be resolved if at least one of these propositions is false.

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Britain and France were in heavy debt to the U.S. because of the war.

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President Kennedy read the book, or the serialized version of it in The New Yorker. Kennedy asked his President's Science Advisory Council to check the book for accuracy, and they did. They reported on May 15, 1963, that pesticides posed a great problem for Americans, that Rachel Carson's book was accurate, and that the government should speed action to control pesticide use and reduce damage from pesticides.See the report at the Related Link below.