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He wanted cupcakes and the new constitution didn't support the making of cupcakes.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 11mo ago

James Madison was concerned about the potential for tyranny and the abuse of power in a new Constitution. He worried that a strong central government could infringe upon the rights and liberties of individuals, leading to the same problems that had been experienced under British rule. To address this concern, Madison advocated for the inclusion of a strong system of checks and balances to limit the power of the government and protect individual rights.

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Q: What was James Madison and big worry about framing a new Constitution?
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What was James Madison’s big worry about framing a new Constitution?

it would create any kind of tyranny

What did James Madison worry about?

James Madison worried about the concentration of power in the federal government and the potential abuse of that power. He was concerned about the threat to individual liberties and the possibility of the government becoming tyrannical. Madison strongly believed in a system of checks and balances to prevent this from happening.

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Don't worry.

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Enduring Constitution... Don't worry I couldn't find the answer either until I looked at the name of the section of that chapter in the book.

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No it was a joke don't worry

How many times is the word 'worry' in the New Testament?

In the King James versionthe word - worry - does not appear at all, anywhere---It may appear in other translations.Another answer:In the New King James translation, "worry" appears eleven times in ten verses, most often (seven times) preceded by the words, "DO NOT." Three appearances are in rhetorical questions: "Which of you by worryingcan add one cubit to his stature? So why do youworry about clothing?" (Matt. 6:27, 28, with a parallel at Luke 12:25).In the King James version, "do not worry" is expressed as "take no thought."

How many times is the word worry used in the Bible?

In the King James version the word - worry - does not appear at all, nor do any words derived from it, such as worrying, worried, worrisome etc.

How many times is the word worry used in the NIV?

In the King James versionthe phrase - thou shalt not worry - does not appear at all.Indeed, the word - worry - does not appear at all.Another answer:Jesus enjoins His disciples not to worry several times. The King James translation uses phrases such as "take no thought" which modern translations render "do not worry." Matthew 6:25 - Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?Matthew 6:31 - Therefore do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?'Matthew 6:34 - Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.Matthew 10:19 - But when they deliver you up, do not worry about how or what you should speak. For it will be given to you in that hour what you should speak;Mark 13:11 - But when they arrest you and deliver you up, do not worry beforehand, or premeditate what you will speak. But whatever is given you in that hour, speak that; for it is not you who speak, but the Holy Spirit.Luke 12:11 - Now when they bring you to the synagogues and magistrates and authorities, do not worry about how or what you should answer, or what you should say.Luke 12:22 - Then He said to His disciples, "Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; nor about the body, what you will put on."[Quotes from NKJV]

Do puppies die if they are fat?

Well, Yes most of the time they do! But don't worry just get the puppy on a diet fast. If this was my puppy i would take it to a vet and see what they can do. Take my advice and trust it will save you puppy. P.S. My name is Haley Madison Lovelace Every one calls me Madison Peace out ILY

Who is Madison Buchanan?

Madison Buchanan is a Singer/Songwriter from the Westside of Chicago whose songs include: "All About You", "Ain't Gotta Have", "Worry 'Bout" and "Broken Down Palace". Her music can be found on iTunes or myspace page: You can also follow her on twitter: Her bio is there read and see what she's about. Enjoy! :)

Why didn't anyone worry about James II being a Catholic?

They are worried because they are afraid that England would come back to the Catholic church.

What is James Maslows email?

It is Don't worry! I emailed him myself! He responds quickly and trust me! It's him! ~:) Have a good day!