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Time line for Franklin Pierce's life

  • 1806 (Nov. 23) born near Hillsborough, NH, son of Benjamin Pierce and Anna Kendrick
  • 1818 enrolled at Hancock, NH Academy
  • 1820 transferred to Francestown NH Academy
  • 1820 entered Bowdoin College
  • 1824 graduated from Bowdoin
  • 1827 admitted to the bar
  • 1829 elected to NH state legislature
  • 1831 speaker of NH state house
  • 1832 elected to US Congress
  • 1834 married Jane Means Appleton
  • 1836 son Frank, Jr. died 2 days after birth
  • 1837 elected to US Senate
  • 1839 son Frank Robert born
  • 1841 son Benjamin born
  • 1842 resigns Senate seat returns to law practice in Concord , NH
  • 1843 so Frank Robert dies of typhus
  • 1846 goes off to war with Mexico
  • 1848 returns from war
  • 1852 elected US president
  • 1853 son Benjamin killed in train wreck; takes office as President
  • 1857 leaves office returns home
  • 1863 wife dies
  • 1869 (April 8) dies at home
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The Pierces came from New Hampshire. Franklin Pierce grew up in Hillsborough and spent most of his married life in Concord.

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franklin pierces favorite song was by Micheal jackson

What was Franklin Pierces favorite animal?

It not known that he had a favorite animal. .

What is Franklin Pierces height and weight?

Pierce was 5' 10"". He weighed around 160 pounds.

Who you pre presidential occupation of Franklin Pierces and how many kid did he have?

Franklin Pierce was a lawyer. He had three sons, all of whom died before they were teenagers.

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The Pierces are a band

What was Franklin Pierces job after he was president?

I do not think he worked after he left office. Possibly he did some legal work with his old law partner.

What were Franklin Pierces occupations?

Franklin's father was a soldier and politician. He also ran a tavern on occasion . He served two terms as governor of NH . His mother kept house and raised her 7 children.

What were Franklin Pierces parents occupations?

Franklin's father was a soldier and politician. He also ran a tavern on occasion . He served two terms as governor of NH . His mother kept house and raised her 7 children.

What is Franklin Pierces campaign slogan?

Franklin pierce didn't have a signature campaign slogan. But he was the first president to put a Christmas tree in the white house.