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Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Cameroon, CapeVerde, Chad, China, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Finland, Germany, Honduras, Hungary, Indonesia, India, Iraq, Iran, Kenya, Laos, Lebanon, Libya, Macedonia, Mongolia, Montenegro, Mozambique, Namibia, Nicaragua, Nigeria, North Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Russia, Turkey, Slovenia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Ukraine, Vietnam, Yemen Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Cameroon, CapeVerde, Chad, China, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Finland, Germany, Honduras, Hungary, Indonesia, India, Iraq, Iran, Kenya, Laos, Lebanon, Libya, Macedonia, Mongolia, Montenegro, Mozambique, Namibia, Nicaragua, Nigeria, North Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Russia, Turkey, Slovenia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Ukraine, Vietnam, Yemen Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Cameroon, CapeVerde, Chad, China, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Finland, Germany, Honduras, Hungary, Indonesia, India, Iraq, Iran, Kenya, Laos, Lebanon, Libya, Macedonia, Mongolia, Montenegro, Mozambique, Namibia, Nicaragua, Nigeria, North Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Russia, Turkey, Slovenia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Ukraine, Vietnam, Yemen

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15y ago
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9y ago

You'll probably never get a complete list, as you're talking about one of the most widespread rifles in the world. Some of those countries which use AK-47s/AKMs or derivatives (such as the AK-74, AK-101, etc.) include the former Soviet states (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, etc.), Finland, Cyprus, Egypt, China, Mongolia, North Korea, Vietnam, Malta, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Indonesia, Cuba, Libya, Syria, Sudan, Zimbabwe, Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Angola, Namibia, Chad, Venezuela, Suriname, Guyana, former Yugoslav states (Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Estonia, Croatia), etc.
Some countries which aren't necessarily aligned with China or former Bloc states also use AK-derived weapons.. for example, the Galil is used in Israel, Portugal, Colombia, and other states, while 5.56 variants which are more direct derivatives of the AK are in use by countries such as Poland (Beryl), Serbia (M21), Bulgaria (AR M-1), India (INSAS), etc.
Then are there are countless non-state operators who use it... Al-Qaeda, ISIS/ISIL, various factions in Lebanon, Hezbollah, Hamas, Puntland nationalists, jajaweed militias, various rebel movement throughout Africa, the Republicans and Loyalists in Northern Ireland, FARC and AUC guerrillas in Colombia, etc.
It's an extremely widespread rifle, and even more so when you factor in the derivatives of it. Even most countries which don't field the AK keep a number in stock for familiarization purposes, since you can pretty much guarantee that the AK or some derivative will be present in any conflict worldwide.

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13y ago

the ak47 was used in 75 different wars and is still in use by most of the worlds armies wikipedia shold list the wars

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