

Best Answer

* The Cold War. * The Korean War. * The Vietnam War.

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Q: What wars was the Truman Doctrine used to justify?
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Who did the Truman Doctrine provide economic and military aid?

The Truman Doctrine was meant to help any non-communist country to resist communist pressure by providing economic and military aid. It was announced by US President Truman during the Greek Civil War; the United States sent $400 million in economic aid to Greece to help the government defeat the communist forces attempting to overthrow them. It also was the basis for the support during the Korean and Vietnam Wars. This shifted the American policy towards communism from détente, or the easing of strained tensions, to containment. It also is often used to mark the beginning of the Cold War. The major recipients of the aid were Greece and Turkey, and later South Korea and Vietnam.

Which wars were Truman and Eisenhower in?

Both served in WW I.

The Truman Doctrine was rooted in the idea of?

The Truman Doctrine committed the United States to a foreign policy of foreign intervention. It authorized political, military and economic support to all countries under threat from internal or external authoritarian forces. This moved the United States from withdrawing from regional conflicts that did not affect this country to possible intervention in far off conflicts.

How did the civil and religious wars of religion shape the philosophy of the period?

Depends on the period, however, philosophy is often used as an attempt to justify "wars of faith", so often religious wars will cause justifications to appear in the philosophy behind the faith.

What US Presidents were in office during World Wars?

Wilson, FDR and Truman.

Harry Truman what did he do in the wars?

He was an Artillery Captain in WWI and became the US Commander in Chief in WWII.

Did two wars happen during the presidency of Harry Truman?

Yes, WWII and the Korean war.

Was Harry S. Truman the President during any wars or conflicts and if so which?

WW II and Korea.

What us wars took place when Harry S. Truman was president?

Part of WW II and most of the Korean War occurred under Truman. Truman became president toward the end of W W II. The Korean War began when Truman was president and lasted until after he left office.

Did Truman drop the atomic bomb for his presidency?

The war that was going on had the higher casualties of all the wars. President Truman wanted to end the war and to collapse Japan's means to make war ever again.

Who was the president of America in the world wars?

Wilson was president during WW I and FDR and Truman presided during WW II/

In what part of the world was World War 2 still being fought when Truman became President?

All of it. The wars in Europe and the Pacific did not end until after he was president. It was Truman who authorized the use of the Atomic Bombs on Japan.