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Woodrow Wilson was the President in 1919.

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There was no U.S. President in 1919 who proclaimed Veterans Day. However, it was President Woodrow Wilson who proclaimed November 11 as Armistice Day in 1919 to commemorate the end of World War I and honor the veterans. It was later renamed Veterans Day in 1954 to honor all American veterans.

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Q: What us president in 1919 who proclaimed veterans day to remind Americans of the tragedies of war?
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What president renamed Veterans Day?

When Congress voted to change the name from Armistice Day to Veterans Day in 1954, President Eisenhower proclaimed November 11 as Veterans Day. It was President Woodrow Wilson in 1919 that first proclaimed this day as Armistice Day.

Who proclaimed that you should have a day to celebrate Veterans?

U.S. President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed Armistice Day on November 11, 1919 and the U.S. Congress changed the name to Veterans Day on June 1, 1954.

Didn't President Wilson start Veterans Day?

President Wilson proclaimed November 11th as Amristice Day in 1919. Congress made it a Federal Holiday in 1938. It was renamed Veterans Day by President Eisenhower in 1954.

Who discovered Veterans Day?

The U.S. President Woodrow Wilson first proclaimed an armstice Day for November 11, 1919.

What war was before Veterans Day that made Veterans Day an official holiday?

World War 1 ended on November 11, 1918. In 1919, President Wilson proclaimed it an official holiday. It became Veterans day in 1954.

In what year did Eisenhower sign the bill proclaiming Nvemeber 11th as Veterans day?

It was renamed Veterans Day by President Eisenhower in 1954. President Wilson proclaimed November 11th as Armistice Day in 1919. Congress made it a Federal Holiday in 1938.

Which president issued the first Veterans Day Proclamation in 1954?

U.S. President Woodrow Wilson first proclaimed an Armistice Day for November 11, 1919 President Dwight D. Eisenhower changed the name of the holiday from Armistice Day to Veterans Day in 1954.

How many years older is Memorial Day than Veterans Day?

President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1966 proclaimed Waterloo as the birthplace of Memorial Day in 1866, 88 years before Veterans Day began in 1954.

What president called November 11 Veterans Day?

No president--the US Congress changed the name to Veterans Day in 1954.

When should Americans celebrate Veterans Day?

Veterans Day... of course

Why is Veterans Day important to American's?

veterans day is important to Americans because it is a way of showing thank yous for what the veterans did for us

Should Veterans Day be recognized?

As ALL Americans owe our freedom to our veterans, YES, absolutely.