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You can invest on forex.

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Q: What types of investment are oil and gold?
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When should I expect the price of gold to fall?

Gold is a safehaven investment. So it's price will stay high so long as people are uncertain about other investment types. Gold will decline when money starts leaving gold for stocks.

What kind of investment is oil and gold called?

For the Dave Ramsey "Name That Ivestment" sheet, the answer is COMMODITIES/FUTURES. :)

What is the difference between investment and consumption assets?

Investment assets are assets that are held for investment purposes. Some examples are: Gold, Silver, Bonds , Stocks. Where as a consumption asset is an asset that is typically held for consumption. Some examples are: Oil, Copper, Cattle.

Is gold a commodity?

Yes. Gold is a commodity and investment

What are the types of investment?

There are so many different types of investment. The most common ones include property investment, stock investment, trade investments and so much more.

What is gold an example of?

Gold is an example of a precious metal that is valued for its rarity, beauty, and durability. It is used in jewelry, investment, and electronics due to its unique properties and high demand.

Is there difference between Liberty gold coins and Maple gold coins?

On the surface, definitely. Liberty gold pieces are from the US and maple leaf pieces are from Canada.However both types of coin are sold for investment purposes due to their metal content, and both types are priced according to the current value of gold on the spot metals market.

Where can one find out how to make a gold investment?

There are lots of sources of information regarding gold investments. 'The Street' has detailed advice regarding gold prices and investment as well as helpful links.

How does gold investment affects GDP?

Investment in Gold reduces supply of money needed for accelation in economic growth. To that extent that affects growth of GDP.

What types of investments should an inexperienced person take part in?

A good investment for inexperienced person would be one that involves very little risk. An example of an investment of that nature would be one in the gold industry. Gold pricing is at an all time high and is continuing to grow. It is also an industry that will very unlikely depreciate.

What are the advantages of having gold as an investment?

There Are a Number of Advantages of Having Gold as an Investment. One of It Is Gold Being a Popular Form of Saving. Other Than That, Gold Is Also Indestructible, Can Be Transported Easily and Retains as Well as Appreciates in Value.

What are the advantages of buying gold coins as part of my investment?

Godl offers a diversity option that you might not be able to get from other types of investments. It's good to have a well diversified portfolio.