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Direct Responsability

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Q: What type of responsibility results from the assignment as an army accountable officer?
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What is the difference between responsibility and accountability with reference to delegate?

You can delegate responsibility, but you can't delegate accountability to anyone.If someone gives you a job to do, you can get someone else to do it, but you are still accountable to produce the results. If the job isn't done right the only person to blame is you, because even though you've delegated the responsibility, you are still accountable.

You want to reply to your boss that you have performed?

I have completed the assignment as requested. The report of the results is attached.

What does acountability mean?

Accountable means that the person in question is responsible for the results of his actions and must stand liable for any consequences.

What do you attach as annexures to an assignment?

Annexures in an assignment are additional documents that support or provide supplementary information to the main content of the assignment. They can include tables, charts, graphs, images, questionnaires, survey results, or any other relevant information that adds value to the assignment's content. It is important to ensure that annexures are referenced appropriately within the assignment to help readers understand their relevance.

What is the deputy returning officer?

the "returning officer" means the official in each electorate whoholds the election and returns the results

What does accountable mean?

being accoutable might mean your able to ensure participants that if they undertake certain obligations, they will achieve certain results.

How did the election results illustrate the division of the country over the issue of slavery?

unknown.. i have to do the same assignment and i cant find the answer either

Is a MN police officer required to show you your speed on the radar?

Since 2010, There are no states that require the officer to show the radar or laser results. Virginia used to have a law, but it has since been repealed. Some departments have policies that allow or require the officer to show you the results. Most states allow the officer to estimate your speed, and this is valid in a court of law.

What are responsibility centres?

The basis of a responsibility accounting system is the creation of a group of responsibility centre which is a subunit in an organization whose manager is responsible for specified financial results about the subunits designated activity. There are four common types of responsibility centres:Cost Centre: the manager of this subunit (department or division) is held accountable for the costs incurred by the unit. An example of a cost centre is the painting department in a car plant.Revenue Centre: the manager of this subunit is responsible for the revenue earned from the unit. An example of this is the sales department of a manufacturing company.Profit Centre: the manager of this subunit is accountable for the profit. But the nature of profits is that it is the difference between revenue and expenses, thus the manager is responsible for both these factors. An example of a profit centre is a company owned restaurant in a fast food chain.Investment Centre: the manager of this subunit is responsible for the profit and the invested capital used to generate profit within the unit. An example of this is the investment division of a large corporation.

Why responsibility accounting is a fundamental part of the Management Accounting Control System MACS?

Responsibility accounting helps in the management accounting and the managerial control of a business. It fixes the responsibility of the individual performance and the operation results so that it is not a vague concept.

What is accountablity?

Accountability is the obligation of an individual or organization to account for its activities, accept responsibility for them, and to disclose the results in a transparent manner. It also includes the responsibility for money or other entrusted property.

What is the Kra of a chief operating officer?

The Key Results Areas of a Chief Operating Officer can vary with what company is being talked of, though it often has to do with the operations, given his job description. Importantly, they often have to report for their Key Results Areas to the Chairman of the Board.