smoke and fog = smog.
Blend words are created by combining parts of two words to form a new word with a combined meaning. For example, "brunch" combines "breakfast" and "lunch." Blend words are also known as portmanteau words.
smoke + fog = smog
smoke and fog
A portmanteau is a linguistic blend of two words where parts of both words are combined to create a new word. It is commonly used in English to describe a word that merges the sounds and meanings of two existing words.
Combining two words to create a new one is known as a portmanteau. This is a linguistic blend where parts of multiple words are joined to form a new word with a combined meaning. Examples include "brunch" (breakfast + lunch) and "smog" (smoke + fog).
smoke and fog = smog.
In word formation, blending is when two or more words are combined to create a new word. This new word typically takes a portion of each of the original words to form a unique term with a specific meaning. Examples of blends include "brunch" (breakfast + lunch) and "smog" (smoke + fog).
A word blend is a combination of two words to form a new word. For example, the word "smog" is a combination of "smoke" and "fog"; the word "jeggings" is a combination of the words "jeans" and "leggings."
A word blend is a combination of two words to form a new word. For example, the word "smog" is a combination of "smoke" and "fog"; the word "jeggings" is a combination of the words "jeans" and "leggings."
modulator and demodulator
No it is not a compound word. It is not two separate words that are combined to make another word.