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During the Vietnam War tattoos were generally prohibited for all US Military officers and were HIGHLY frowned upon for any enlisted man.

Since, during those times, mostly prison inmates and sailors had tattoos on their bodies...any man having tattoos indicating "kill markings" would quite possibly have been drummed out of the service as an un-desirable person.

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13y ago

During the Vietnam War; tattoos were a no no. Mostly inmates in prison and sailors had them. US Military officers were prohibited from having them, enlisted men "might be able" to get away with it in the US Army. It was probably abit more tolerated in the US Marines and US Navy.

Any man having a tattoo showing what you're asking about would've most likely been drummed out've the military (as an un-desirable).


Agree with above. We don't do that. It's what we do for a living, not for a sport.

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