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he cautiously supported civil rights

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11mo ago

John F. Kennedy was committed to advancing civil rights, but his actions were initially cautious. While he supported racial equality, he encountered political challenges in Congress that limited the progress he could achieve on certain civil rights legislation. However, his administration played a significant role in pushing for desegregation and promoting equality through executive orders and oversight of federally funded programs.

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What statement John f Kennedy's actions on civil rights is true?

He cautiously supported civil rights.

What statement about John F Kennedy's actions on civil rights is true?

He cautiously supported civil rights.

What about john F Kennedy actions on civil right is true?

He cautiously supported civil rights.

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The president during the Civil Rights Movement was John F Kennedy :)

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According to my U.S. history book, President Kennedy initially approached civil rights policies cautiously.

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Absolutely. The administration, especially through Attorney General Robert Kennedy, lead the cause of civil rights in the early 1960s. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was the natural culmination of these efforts, even though it was passed in the Johnson administration. Of course, Johnson had been Kennedy's VP, so he was familiar with the effort.

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He was President of the United States, and promoted civil rights.

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