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Q: What sort of authority images does the president possess thanks to the framers and early presisdents like Washington and Jackson?
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What president had no children?

Washington. Jackson, and Buchanan did not father any children.

Who was president during the two party system?

It was by Washington

How do President Jackson stood up for the rights of states but acted forcefully to protect?

He acted to protect the authority of the federal government.

How did George Washington support Andrew Jackson and Jacksonian policies?

Andrew Jackson served two terms as US President (1829 to 1837). It wasn't possible for George Washington to support Jacksonian policies, as Washington died 14 December 1799, thirty years before Jackson became President.

Name 3 presidents?

George Washington our 1st President , Abraham Lincoln our 16th President and Andrew Jackson our 7th President

What prompted Andrew Jackson from resignation from the senate?

Jackson's frustration with Washington prompted his resignation. He began planning his presidential campaign soon after resigning. Andrew Jackson would eventually serve as the 7th U. S. President. Jackson was a Democrat and served as US President from 1829 to 1837.

Why did president Andrew Jackson oppose the second bank of the United states?

He viewed it as a blow to congressional authority.

First president since George Washington without a college education?

Andrew Jackson

What do president George Washington and president Andrew Jackson have in common?

The only presidents since Jackson's time to have won the presidency after having lost the popular vote.

Who was the only president other than George Washington to have America completely out of debt?

andrew jackson

Which president has a state for a namesake?

Washington was named after our first president, George Washington. Although he was the only president to have a state named for him, many cities have been named after other presidents (Lincoln, Nebraska/Jackson City, Missouri/Madison, Wisconsin/etc)

Who was the last president to fight in the American revolution?

James Monroe, the fifth U.S. president, served as an officer under Gen. George Washington during the Revolutionary War.