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Medicaid started because of the large number of indigent persons who were unable to pay for necessary medical care.

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Q: What social problem lead to Medicaid?
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What problems are associated with Medicare and Medicaid?

On medicaid they say I qualify for a buy in under QMB .The state is paying my buy in but medicare sends me the bills and insist that Medicaid is not paying. I have been trying to straiten this out for 18 months now .medicare blames social security , social security blames medicaid , medicaid blames social security. Now I am told the Dept. of buy-ins is the only ones that can fix the problem. Is there such a Dept? How could I contact them?

Can you get Medicaid without drawing social security?

You may receive Medicaid regardless of your Social Security status.

Who does Medicaid cover?

Varies by state; check with your state's medicaid or social services division.

If I got medicaid automatically with social security would it cover me in another state knowing that social security is federal?

Though social security is federal, Medicaid is state funded. You may want to call Medicaid and ask if you will be covered while traveling out of state.

Can an attorney help with Medicaid application?

If you are applying for Medicaid on the basis of disability and you are not already receiving Social Security disability (RSDI or SSI), you might want to hire an attorney who specializes in Social Security disability. (Medicaid follows the Social Security rules for disability.)

Can a nc resident on social security disability with medicare and nc medicaid have an IRA?

IRA's are not an eligibility factor for Social Security or Medicare. However, they are considered an asset for Medicaid.

Is Medicaid Title XIX the same as Medicaid part a?

There is no such thing as Medicaid Part A. Title XIX of the Social Security Act is the title that governs medical care.

What are Social Security Medicare and Medicaid known as?

"Entitlement Programs."

Which is the largest entitlement program medicare food stamp social security or medicaid?

Social Security

Does Social Security disability income count as income for medicaid?

Social Security benefits (retirement and disability) count as income for Medicaid. However, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) does not count as income for Medicaid.

What is the major problem of society?

One major problem in society is inequality, where there is unequal access to resources, opportunities, and rights among different groups. This can lead to social unrest, discrimination, and lack of social justice.

Is a care home a social care?

Some care homes can be considered social care. Care homes can opt to take part in Medicare and Medicaid funding programs. As Medicaid is generally provided to the poor, these care homes would fit under the terms of social care. But not all care homes opt into Medicare and Medicaid programs.