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Relationship is a very broad term & in the purest sense, he had at least an OWNERSHIP relationship with all his slaves..

Sally Hemmings was his slave but he apparently also was sexually intimate & several of her children's ancestors have Jefferson's DNA.

Sally & most of Jefferson's slaves came as dowery from his wifes family when they married.

Sally may have also been a half sister to Jefferson's first wife, meaning his father-in law, was intimate with Sally's mother... That slave thing got pretty involved & confusing, with a lot of blurred moral lines crossed.

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16y ago

he had several kids with Sally Hemings[his slave] and made them [the mixed kids] his slaves

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12y ago

Yes he did. There is real proof that he had an affair with one of the slaves. She had kids with him.

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Q: What slave did Thomas Jefferson have a relationship with?
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