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Navy SEALs typically use a SIG 9mm as a secondary arm but once you make it past BUD/s it is completely up to the operator what firearm they use. SEALs train with all sorts of weapons from all over the world.

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Q: What side arm do navy seals carry?
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of course

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depending on the the departments s.o.p's most department's require the officer to carry there side arms.

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Yes, officers in the navy may be authorized to carry a sidearm depending on their specific roles and assignments. This typically applies to personnel serving in security, law enforcement, and special operations roles.

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they dont have standard issue side arms, allthough it is an option for a officer to carry there own arm if its fully registered and licenced. often they DID infact carry side arms with the IRA being such a problem, they just kept them hidden

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were do you live in KY yes long as it a side arm.

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No. If you do they will cut off your arm and feed you to the SEALS......

Georgia can you carry a fire arm in Texas?

You can carry a gun in TX if you have a permit

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Currently the standard side arm of the US military is the 9mm M9 Beretta pistol. I know many officers that continued to carry their own .45 because of the lack of stopping power of the 9mm round used by the M9 pistol.

Where is the dorsal surface of the arm?

The dorsal surface of the arm refers to the back or posterior side of the arm. It is opposite to the ventral surface, which is the front or anterior side of the arm.