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Q: What rifle does USF use now in basic training?
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Congratulations boot; you'll now move forward to advanced basic training.

After the academy do you have to go to basic training?

If you're attending one of the US military academies, your basic training is conducted as part of your curriculum. Now if you attend a JROTC programme at a private university, then you'll have to go through OBT.

What weapons do soldiers learn to use in Air force Basic Training and what uniforms are assigned in Air force basic?

The correct term is Airmen, not soldiers. Airmen learn to use the M-16 in basic training and are now issued the ABU (Airman Battle Uniform).

Mascot name of university of south Florida?

Rocky is the name of USF mascot. Now get over it you jerks....LOL!

What is the US Army's training rifle?

Depends on what your context is. When you're assigned to your unit, and you go to the field, the rifle you train with is the same one you'll be carrying into battle (unless you're in a Reserve unit which still fields the M16A1, in which case, you'll probably receive a different weapon when you get called up for deployment). When you go through Basic Training/One Station Unit Training, you'll likely be issued an M16... when I went in 98, we had M16A2s, although there is a chance now that M16A4s and perhaps even M4s will be present, as well. ROTC cadets usually qualify with weapons drawn from a Reserve unit in their region, which will typically be either M16A1s or M16A2, while JROTC (high school) cadets may do their marksmanship training with either a single shot pellet rifle or rimfire .22 rifle. And, for the bayonet assault course, there's the "rubber ducks" - rubber replicas of the M16 rifle, which have real barrels to which a bayonet can be fixed.

How do you tell your father you want to get married now at the age 18 to your boyfriend who is 20 and is in basic training for the army that wants to get married in two months from now when he visits?

you can get married when you are done with education thank you

What is the difference between the US marine combat training in World War 2 and modern day Marine combat training?

The Marine training of World War 2 is the same as the training of today except now we have more modern armament and computerized equipment the Marine recruits have to learn about now. It has always been the toughest boot camp of all the military forces and all Marines, even nurses, have to have basic weapons training, even in World War 2.

How often can you use the phone when in basic training for the us army?

Depending on the location of your Basic Combat Training the use of a phone is usually limited to every Sunday after about the 2nd week. Now keep in mind your time limit per call will depend on your platoons performance that week. Phone use is a privilege not mandatory, you can write letters daily.

What wasthe name of davy Crocketts rifle and where is it now?

Davy called his rifle "Beautiful Betsy."

What is the 2 traditional sports in Japan?

Sumo; a type of wrestling and Kendo; a form of training for Sword fighting. In ancient times Kendo was the basic samurai training. It has developed into a sport now; although swords are not used a bamboo shinai (which represents the sword) is used.

Do soldiers receive medals or promotions at basic training graduation?

As for the US ARMY, soldiers do receive medals or promotions at basic training. Most soldiers enter service as a recruit, grade E-1 (No stripe for rank). If you served as a recruit squad leader, or did something else exceptional (like "max" the Physical Training Test), this could promote you to Private, grade E-2, wearing one stripe for rank. Because the US is now involved in a global war on terror, you would also be awarded the National Defense Service Medal (NDSM), as well as a ribbon for completing Basic Training.

Your 6 year old horse needs more riding training and better ground manners how do you train him?

Without knowing your riding level and experience and how much training your horse already has it is impossible to know where to start. Training a horse is a long process that can be dangerous for the inexperienced. If you can't afford to pay a trainer rent or buy some basic training DVDs. Go to a bookstore or library and get some books on basic training. It sounds like your horse is a bit green and he now needs some hours to smooth him out a little. But is is so difficult to explain the training he will need if I can't see the horse. Schooling a horse is very individualized. And not all methods work for every horse. That's part of being a trainer. You have to find what works for your horse. But training at it's most basic is correct riding. You have to be a correct rider and you have to 'ask' the horse correctly to get the desired results.