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Q: What populations are covered by Medicaid or medicare?
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If you have Medicare in Idaho are you covered if you travel out of state?

Medicare is nationwide. If you're referring to Medicaid, you're covered if the provider is willing to bill Idaho Medicaid.

If a patient has medicare primary and medicaid secondary what payment is the patient responsible for?


Where can I find a dentist for a denture plate that will be covered by medicaid or medicare or a very reasonable payment plan”?

“Where can I find a dentist for a denture plate that will be covered by medicaid or medicare or a very reasonable payment plan?””

Are incontinence pads covered by any medical insurances (regular, medicaid or medicare)?

Incontinence products are not covered by health insurance or Medicare. If the person is living in a nursing home then they are covered by Medicaid. Also check with your long term care policy as they might cover them.

Can i submit a bill nys Medicaid for medicare hmo deductible?

You cannot bill Medicaid for your HMO deductibles. However, if you are medicaid eligible, you don't need a Medicare HMO - Medicaid should be paying your Medicare co-payments, deductibles, and any other covered expenses that Medicare doesn't pay. If you are on Medicaid spend-down, your HMO deductible is a medical expense that can be applied to spend-down.

Are persons in jails and prisons covered by eikther Medicare of Medicaid?

If the prisoner meets all the standard Medicare eligibility requirements, they would be eligible for Medicare. This includes the requirement to pay for their Part B Premium. See the link to social security website for more information. In general, persons in jails or prison are not covered by Medicaid.

Is medicare and medicate part of department of health and human services?

Medicare and Medicaid are the responsibility of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid, which is part of DHHS. However, Medicaid is administered by the States.

are cheap diabetic supplies covered by medicaid?

In many cases diabetic supplies are covered by medicaid. The government site for medicare/medacaid gives you the most comprehensive answer.

How do you bill secondary Medicaid when Medicare is with an HMO?

You submit an EOB from the Medicare HMO with your Medicaid claim.

Are Medicare and Medicaid private insurance groups?

Both Medicare and Medicaid are government insurance programs.

If you are over 65 and have Medicare and medicaid is Medicare always primary?

Yes, Medicare is primary. Medicaid is always the payor of last resort.

Are electric wheelchairs covered by medicare and medicaid?

Medicaid and Medicare may help cover some of the costs of your wheelchair if you qualify. However, there are also other programs that can help out with the cost. You can visit for more information.