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the republicans

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Q: What political party controlled U.S. congress in 1972?
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When was Political Academy of the Austrian People's Party created?

Political Academy of the Austrian People's Party was created in 1972.

How do political parties raise money and how does Congress regulate fund-raising?

Voters, business groups, labor unions, and many other organizations contribute money to the political party that they believe best represents their interests. To limit political contributions, Congress passed the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) in 1972. They also passed the Bipartisan Campain Reform Act (BCRA) in 2002, which revised the contribution limits.

How do political parties raise money and how does congress regulate fund raising?

Voters, business groups, labor unions, and many other organizations contribute money to the political party that they believe best represents their interests. To limit political contributions, Congress passed the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) in 1972. They also passed the Bipartisan Campain Reform Act (BCRA) in 2002, which revised the contribution limits.

What is one reason why Congress passed the Ethnic Heritage Studies Act of 1972?

One reason the bill was passed was purely political: minority leaders were pushing for the bill.

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Values Party was created in 1972.

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When was Congress of Democratic Trade Unions - Quebec - created?

Congress of Democratic Trade Unions - Quebec - was created in 1972.

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Centre Party - Tasmania - ended in 1972.

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Western Guard Party was created in 1972.

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Socialist Party of Washington ended in 1972.