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During the 2008-2009 Term, the US Supreme Court received 7,738 petitions for a writ of certiorari (request to review a case), but only issued 83 full opinions. Another 50-60 cases are disposed of without full opinions. Approximately 1.3 - 1.9% of the docket receives some form of direct attention from the Court.

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Q: What percent of petitions are typically accepted by the Supreme Court?
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What percent of court cases are heard by the supreme court?

Approximately 1.0%According to the Chief Justice's year-end report for 2010, the US Supreme Court received 8,159 petitions for writ of certiorari (formal request for review) for the 2009-2010 Term (the most recent year for which statistics are available). Of these, only 87, or 1.005%, were accepted on appeal. This percentage fluctuates slightly from year to year.For more information, see Related Questions, below.

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Approximately 1.2%In 2010, there were 55,992 appeals filed with the US Court of Appeals Circuit Courts, and 8,159 cases petitioned to the US Supreme Court. Approximately 16% of the cases appealed to the US Supreme Court originate in the state court systems, and the other 84% (6,854) come from federal appellate courts (mostly the Circuit Courts).Approximately 12% of the cases heard the US Court of Appeals Circuit Courts petition the US Supreme Court for a writ of certiorari; the court grants cert to approximately 1% of the petitions it receives, reducing the pool of federal cases to about 69 (based on 2010 estimates). Sixty-nine is roughly 1.2% of the cases appealed through the federal courts in 2010.

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The formula of percent error ispercent error= Your value/accepted value x 100------------The definition of error is: difference between the accepted true value and the measured value of a quantity or parameter. But this is the absolute error.The relative (percent error) is:(measured value - accepted true value) . 100/accepted true valueThis value is exprssed as a percentage - %.

What is the reason for percent error?

Percent error is used when you are comparing your result to a known or accepted value. It is the absolute value of the difference of the values divided by the accepted value, and written as a percentage. Percent error is equal to the difference divided by the known times 100 percent.

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How do you calculate percent discrepancy in physics?

Percent of discrepancy = l observed value - accepted value l / accepted value X 100% note: the two bars around the the observed value - accepted value resemble absolute value signs