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The U. S. Presidential Election of 1824 was the last to have nominees from the Democratic-Republican Party. In 1828, Andrew Jackson ran as a nominee of the Democratic Party, and John Quincy Adams ran as a nominee of the National Republican Party, predecessor to the Whig Party.

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Q: What party disappeared after the election of Andrew Jackson?
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Which party supported the election of Andrew Jackson?

Jackson became the leader of a new party called the Democratic party.

When was the Democrat formed?

After Andrew Jackson's election in 1828, his party became known as the Democratic party.

Which statement is trueThe Whig Party disappeared following the election of 1854?

The Whig Party disappeared following the election of 1854.

Who lost to Andrew Jackson?

Election of 1828 it was John Quincy Adams of The National Republican Party, then in the election of 1832 the closest runner up to Jackson was Henry Clay of the same party as JQ Adams

The election of Andrew Jackson in 1828 established this political party as a major party.?

Andrew Jackson was the seventh President of the United States; he is credited for finding the Democratic party. When referenced by historians, his time in office is often called the Jacksonian Democracy.

The election of Andrew Jackson in 1828 established this political party as a major party?

Andrew Jackson was the seventh president of the United States; he is credited for finding the Democratic party. When referenced by historians, his time in office is often called the Jacksonian Democracy.

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Which party began in 1830 at the election of Jackson

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Andrew Jackson

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Andrew Jackson found the Democractic Party

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Andrew Jackson belonged to the Democratic party. Andrew Jackson served as the seventh president of the United States. The Republicans were the opposition party.

Did The Whig Party disappeared following the election of 1854?


Political party that fell apart and disappeared after losing the election of 1852?

Whig Party