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Q: What natural resource is found in the Pacific Northwest?
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What natural resources found in the Pacific Northwest?


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Potash is the main natural resource found in Belarus

How is gold a natural resource?

Gold is considered a natural resource because it is a naturally occurring metallic element that is typically found in the Earth's crust. It is mined and extracted from the ground through various mining processes. Gold is valued for its beauty, scarcity, and various industrial uses, making it an important natural resource.

Is oil a natural resource found in New York?

Yes,it natural resource from the ground

Is paper natural resource?

No, it isn't. A natural resource has to be found from the earth, water or air. Paper is not "found", it is made by humans.

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Copper is the principal resource found in the Atacama Desert.

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What common type of art was found in the pacific northwest?

totem poles

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Pacific Northwest of the United States

What state is found pacific northwestern of the region of the united state?

The Pacific Northwest includes Oregon and Washington.

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