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Dantrolene is a muscle relaxant that appears to work to prevent the release of calcium. After the widespread introduction of treatment with dantrolene, the mortality of malignant hyperthermia fell from 80% in the 1960s to less than 5%. Azumolene has also been shown to be as effective as dantrolene.

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Q: What muscle relaxant is also used to prevent hyperthermia?
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its not a muscle relaxer per sae! but lyrica(pregabalin) is the best for neuropathic pain also lyrica has a synergystic effect with most opiate painkillers as do all common benzodiadapines which are a type of muscle relaxant such as diazepam(vallium), midazolam(dormicum), lorazepam(ativan). or, out and out muscle relaxers which will work better with narcotics because they will still carry incidance of synergystic effects but offer less sedation and more relaxation, the most potant muscle relaxer/antispasmotic is baclofen.

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This is a receptor agonist widely used as a muscle relaxant, both in people but also to induce paralysis in horses.It is also known as Anectine and Quelicin. In a hospital it is also known as "succs". It is also sometimes referred to as the poeple's medecine.

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Where can one get help with repetitive strain?

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