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Probably the Barret .50 caliber anti-material rifle. It is extremely powerful, given the size and firepower of its .50 BMG round. It is used chiefly by the U.S. Army.

It is actually a Russian bolt action single shot 20mm sniper rifle, and also a sinper rifle called a Lahette that uses a 20mm Vulcan round.

Edit: The Russians do not make a 20mm rifle, according to any source I can find. They do use a South-African repeater in 14.5mm. The Czech Lahti uses a European 20mm round significantly smaller than the US 20mm cannon round used in the 20mm Vulcan gatling cannon. It is debatable that the Lahti can hit anything reliably at 2.5 miles, it's designed for anti-vehicle duty and not sniping.

The question is speculative at best, since the current record for military snipers is 1.5 miles, and the only 2.5 mile shots I have found record of were described almost universally as "pure luck."

If you make a 2.5 mile shot you are not human. That would be impossible. At that distance you would have to take in the curvature of the earth itself and external balistics. The longest shot in history was a Canadian sniper team at a little over a mile and a half. But to answer your question your best chance would the Cheytach M200 which shoots the .408 which has been tested and holds better balistics than the .50 at longer ranges. It also holds the world record for hitting a target at 1500 yards 3 times.

Actually the 3 shot record was at 2321 yards not 1500, it has also had 3 out of 6 confirmed hits out to 2530 yrds. All of these were done on a human sized torso/target.

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Q: What military sniper weapon can hit at 2.5 miles?
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What are the parts of a Sniper Rifle and How it is different from a normal rifle?

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