In words starting with pt-, the p is silent (as pterygium).
In words starting with PS-, also the p is silent (psycho-<whatever> or pseudo-<whatever>).
In phthisis the pH is silent.
I seem to be stuck on the letter "p" right now, but I am sure there are words with other silent letters.
It is a P. As in Psychology, Psychometric etc....
what is the silent letter for sword
The letter 'a' would be silent, the word being pronounced as Goht
The silent letter in plateau is "u".
The silent letter in "excess" is the letter "c".
The letter "r" is silent in the word "worst".
The letter which is silent in the word folk is the letter L.
The 'w' is silent in the word "answer".
A silent letter is a letter in a word that is not pronounced when the word is spoken. In the word "first," the letter "r" is silent and not pronounced.
The W is silent; wrong is pronounced 'rong'.
The silent letter in "wrong" is the letter "w."
It is pronounced as mih-tenso, no letter is silent.