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The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) paved new ground for accommodating disabled people, and the revision of the Clean Air Act was deemed the most significant environmental legislation ever passed.

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Q: What major piece of legislation passed during president George Bush?
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How many pieces of legislation were passed during roosevelts 100 days as president?

FDR passed 15 major bills.

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Interpreted as: What legislation was passed during the Nixon Administration, which allowed him to be acclaimed as the "greenest" president? The Clean Air and Water Acts, which significantly reduced the amount of pollution in the Air and Water. Furthermore, the Environmental Protection Agency was founded during his presidency.

What does the president vetoed the legislation mean?

It means that the President has not accepted the legislation even though it was passed by the Entire House of Representatives. The Veto can be over ridden by a 2/3rds majority of the Congress- Then the legislation is passed into law.

Who was the president that passed legislation enacting the Federal Reserve?

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What was the Legislation passed during Harding?

prohibition act

What implement legislation?

Legislation is implemented after it is passed by both houses and signed by the president. At that point, it becomes the law of the land.

Can the president veto legislation passed by both houses of congress?

Bills can't be passed without the president's involvement on some level. The president signs it, or vetoes it. If Congress over-rides the veto, the bill becomes law no matter what the president does. In that case the president cannot exercize another veto.

What is the veto power of president?

Every legislation or the enactment passed in the congress require an assent of the president to come into force. Veto power is the power of the president to send back the legislation or the enactment passed in the congress. Once it is sent back it requires to be passed with the majority of the votes of members of the congress.

Which President had the most Amendments occur during his time in office?

George Washington had 10 (bill of rights) passed but he wasn't technically president OR Woodrow Wilson who had 16, 17,18 and 19th passed

What is another way that legislation can be passed in Cuba?

by a decree from the president - Study Island

What is another way legislation can be passed in cuba?

by a decree from the president - Study Island

Legislation passed during Harding's administration was the what?

prohibition act