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Q: What liquids light up a light bulb?
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What elements light up a light bulb?

argon is an element that make up a light bulb

What elementes make up a light bulb?

argon is an element that make up a light bulb

Why does a light bulb light in a closed circuit?

A bulb does not light up if there is no voltage available across the bulb, or if the bulb is burned out.

what's a alliteration for light bulb?

light bulb lights up london

What did one light bulb say to another light bulb?

"Watt's up?"

What common elements make up a light bulb?

argon is an element that make up a light bulb

How many apples does it take to light a light bulb?

It would take a lot of apples to generate enough electricity to light a light bulb. Apples can produce a small amount of electrical current through a process called oxidation, but it would likely require hundreds or even thousands of apples to power a light bulb.

Can a human brain light up a light bulb?

No, a human brain cannot light up a light bulb. The brain works through electrical signals, but the amount of energy produced by the brain is too small to light up a light bulb.

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Why does a circular fluorescent light bulb not light up fully?

A circular fluorescent light bulb may not light up fully due to issues such as a faulty ballast, aging tube, or poor connection with the socket. These factors can lead to insufficient power reaching the bulb, causing it to not reach its full brightness.

Will the light bulb light up if you connect a wire to it?

No, a light bulb needs a closed circuit with a power source, such as a battery or electrical outlet, in order to light up. Simply connecting a wire to a light bulb without a power source will not allow it to light up.