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Q: What legislation did Rutherford B. Hayes pass when he was President?
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Congress can pass legislation over a president's veto with?

an override

Did Obama ever pass any legislation?

Presidents cannot pass legislation. It is congress that makes the laws, and then the president either signs them or vetoes them. But presidents can and do encourage congress to pass certain bills; President Obama, like all presidents before him, has had a number of pieces of legislation he wanted congress to pass. In some cases, they did; in others, they did not.

How did the 1964 election affect president johnsons?

Because he won by a big margin, he was able to pass legislation.

What is the point of being president if the congress are the ones that pass legislation?

You are the face of the government

How can Congress undo a president's unilateral action?

Congress can pass new legislation

The president proposes a highway construction bill to congress and then pressures lawmakers to pass the proposed legislation which role is the president fulfilling?

The chief legislature is the role the President is fulfilling when the President proposes a highway construction bill to Congress and then pressures lawmakers to pass the proposed legislation.

Does the US president have any right to legislate?

Absolutely not. The constitution is very clear about that: the President can ask, suggest, bully or beg Congress to legislate, but only the Congress can write (and pass) a law. The president can veto any legislation he doesn't like, which makes it harder for Congress to pass it, but it is still possible to pass legislation over the President's objection.

Two ways the congress can check the others branches?

Write and pass legislation and impeach the president.

Congress has the power to pass legislation while the president has veto power over legislation The supreme court has the power of judicial review. Is this a struggle?


What is one way the forefathers ensured the president of the US would never become a tyrant like the king?

The president must run for election every four yearsThe president can be over ruled by the congress and senateThe president can not pass or force any piece of legislation (make laws) he does suggest or have his party try to pass legislation.