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Q: What legal measures were used to ensure loyalty to the union?
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What is the Federal Employee Loyalty Program?

The Federal Employee Loyalty Program was established by President Harry S. Truman. This program implemented invasive measures that were designed to identify and remove Communist sympathizers from government.

Why did Lincoln like the union?

He was the president of the union; therefore, that's where who his loyalty belonged to.

What did the states have to do to be readmitted after the civil war?

Pledge Loyalty to the Union.

What did former confederates have to do to get amnesty under lincolns plan to rebuild the union?

They had to swear an oath of loyalty.

What percentage of a state's residents had to swear loyalty to the union in order for the state to rejoin the union?

The 10% of the voters of 1860.

How did Lincoln encourage loyalty to the union in the west?

Lincoln appointed pro-Union officials to head each of the territorial governments.

Who gave loyalty to the Confederate union?

Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson

Why did the union want loyalty from the border states?

The Union wanted loyalty from the border states because it was so close to the Capital of the Union, Washington D.C. Losing these states would most likely have meant that the confederacy would have taken the capital and the war would have had a different outcome.

What was general lees reason for turning down the union army?

Loyalty to his state (Virginia).

Who left the Union out of loyalty to his state?

Type your answer here... General Robert E. Lee

Who resigned from commanding union forced due to his loyalty to the south?

Robert E Lee

What are some differences between a marriage and a legal union?

Marriage is a type of legal union. Depending upon the laws of your jurisdiction, other types of legal union may include "civil union," "domestic partnership," "civil partnership," or "designated beneficiary relationship."