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Q: What kinds of taxes are collected by the federal governmet?
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Which of the following statements about taxes is false?

Taxes are collected at the local, state and federal level

What is federal revenue?

AnswerTaxes, taxes and more taxes

What types of taxes collected by government on the state and federal levels?

The government on both the state and federal levels collects various types of taxes. Some common types of taxes include income taxes, which are collected based on an individual's or business's earnings; sales taxes, which are collected on the purchase of goods and services; property taxes, which are collected based on the value of real estate; and payroll taxes, which are collected from employers and employees to fund social security and Medicare programs. Additionally, governments may also collect excise taxes on specific goods such as alcohol, tobacco, and gasoline.

How often are corporate income taxes collected by state and federal governments?


Which of the following is generally paid for with taxes collected by the federal government?

military programs

Where does the US government get the money to pay representatives and senators?

From taxes collected by the federal government.

What percentage of federal government revenue was collected from corporate income taxes in 2001?


Who is federal tax paid to?

Federal taxes are collected by the US government directly, or through the states on some purchases and fees.

How did the federal government pay for itself before income taxes were collected?

It was paid for through import duties, excise taxes, and taxes that were divided among the states by their population.

How do US citizens pay for services such as police and firefighters and public schools?

State taxes, including - but not limited to - state income taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, etc. Some money collected by the federal government through federal taxes will also be returned to the state.

Who pays congresspersons salaries?

Since government does not produce anything to sell, their pay has to be collected from the people they provide a service to in the form of taxes and fee's. Federal taxes are collected from corporations and individuals in the form of corporate excise tax and individual estate taxes. However, income tax collected on your wages is not one of the taxes that pays for government salaries. This tax goes only to service the debt of the money government has borrowed from the central banks or the Federal Reserve.

Who collected taxes for the king in ancient Egypt?

The Chief Collected The Taxes.