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The United States is a capitalist system. A capitalist system is based on an economy made up of privately owned businesses.

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1y ago

The US is capitalist: wages system, production for sale, class ownership of the means of production.

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Q: What kind of the system is the united state?
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What is the economic system of the united state?

The economic system of the United States is a capitalistic market economy, based primarily on free enterprise.

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Samuel slater

What is the party system in the united state's?

the USA has a 2 party system ( Democrats and Republicans) known as a democracy

Which is not a reason the two party system developed in the united state?

history and tradition

What kind of economic system do the united states have?

If your referring to sociology the term they want is capitalism..

Does the United States have a unitary system?

Yes, the United Kingdom is an example of a unitary state.

What jurisdiction is Minnesota?

Minnesota is a sovereign state within the United States. It operates its own state court system. The state of Minnesota is part of the Eighth Circuit of the US District Court System.

What company governs the insurance system?

In the United States, the insurance system is governed at the state level. A wide variety of licensing and regulating companies dictate the business of insurance, and varies from state to state.