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Q: What issues did President Johnson move forward on in 1964 and how did he do in the election that year?
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nothing he party a lot while he was president

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its a secret shh

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Some people didn't get a say in choosing a president.

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The only issue they had during his election was who would've been his vice president because of the political systems back then.

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President Nixon's platform focused on a few economic and war related issues. He focused on the economy, the dollar, and restoring America as a leader in the world. The most important issue Nixon focused on was ending the Vietnam war.

What issues did president Andrew Johnson deal with during his presidency?

The death of Abraham Lincoln, the end of the Civil War, Reconstruction and personally, alcoholism.

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Election of 1840, the issue was the Panic of 1837.

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1.election 3.booth 4.president 5.ballot 6.minister 7.issues 8.candidates 9.swing vote 10.debate

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What did Andrew Johnson do to become US President?

He was elected Vice-President and was first in the line of succession to the presidency when Abraham Lincoln was assassinated in 1865. The Radical Republicans did not like Johnson for a multitude of reasons, one was being a Democrat. The Republican congress fought Johnson on Reconstruction issues and finally impeached him. He was tried and found not guilty by one vote.

Are key issues an important part of the election process?

I think they are. The key issues may be important because the candidates running for president do a lot of debating across the country. The key issues are the debate topics, and winning debates (I think) are good for getting more votes.

What were the major issues of the 1904 election?
