According to Great Aristotle, "Education is the creation of sound mind in a sound body" and primarily encompasses an all-around development of an individual in perfect way. The process of imparting education is as old as human race itself. The mode of spreading education has experienced many phases and it has modified with the virtues of changing times.
As per modern conventions, education actually begins in school but in reality it begins with the day we are born. The process of gaining and imparting education is spontaneous and goes on throughout our lives. This glorifies the aims and need of acquiring education and so it becomes very important to understand it. Education is not only formal in nature but also includes lessons life teaches us in numerous ways and forms.
Mother Nature is the first and most important teacher that every human gets. It's because of her that we understand the feel, sound, movement and colors of life. Education imparts a "complete living aim" as education prepares us for life. The invention and discoveries shows the creativeness and innovation of human mind. As they say "Necessity is the mother of invention" and so every invention has made life easier for man. It clarifies that regular updation and validation in education shows us the path to growth and development.
The first and foremost aim of education is to give an all round development and ensuring the progressive development of natural abilities. In Pestalozzi's words, "Education" is natural, harmonious and progressive development of man's innate powers". The education gives us the power to control and guides us in the right direction. Education creates bunch of good citizens and helps our children's to prepare for a better future.
Education civilizes man and inculcates moral values and principles for living out a better social life in the world. According to many educationist and philosophers, the main aim of education is to root moral values in the children as it will help him in having superior ideas and better vision of living his life. Gandhiji's had the vision that education helps in the formation of good character in a person. The aims of education do not neglect or undermine the significance of knowledge, vocational training or muscular strength. On the other hand, education assists development of moral habits.
Education has a social aim of making individuals responsible towards the society. It makes man, a knowledgeable social animal as through social interaction, he becomes aware of his responsibilities. Education is not just package of books or stationery but communication or association with the world and its people. Education imparted through books is not sufficient enough for building up of a perfect individual. The education given through books should be perfected through practical usage and experiences. The Natural Resources and delights can be experienced well as every creature in the universe teaches us something with their instincts or acts. Birds motivate us to fly higher while ants teach us to strive till the last breath.
According to Wordsworth, a naturalist by instinct believes that man should consider Nature to be his teacher. According to him, a child cans naturally many things from nature. Despite many theories and concepts, education has been unanimously considered as source of betterment of individuals and making him a responsible citizen for the society
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