There are no standard tuition and fee rates for colleges and universities. Each institution will have rates particular to itself. There are a number of variables to consider to include whether the institution is public or private, the geographical location, the specific program of study (some of which have greater course and/or clinical fees), and whether the school is a two year or four year institution. Once you collect the names of some colleges and universities you have an interest in, you can then research the cost specific to those institutions.
There are many online colleges available however, there are several things to consider. Tuition can be much more expensive than traditional colleges and the convenience of attending online classes versus a brick and mortar school may not be worth the increased tuition. Depending on the school you choose, most are highly accredited.
There are many colleges that offer online CPA classes. One such school is called CPA Campus. You can find out more information about the courses and tuition, by going to their website,
There are many colleges that offer classes online for phycology degrees. The University of Phoenix is one such program, but there are many others that are available for different tuition costs.
Prepaid tuition plan
Prepaid tuition plan
Many local community colleges offer distance learning programs. A lot of the time, if you reside in the same county as the community college, there is a tuition break that you can capitalize on.
The annual tuitions of community colleges are about 10 to 13 thousand a year.
There are two South Colleges as follows.South CollegeKnoxville, TennesseeAnnual College Cost (2008)Tuition and fees: $14,925South CollegeAsheville, North CarolinaAnnual College Cost (2008)Tuition and fees: $13,200There are two South Colleges as follows.South CollegeKnoxville, TennesseeAnnual College Cost (2008)Tuition and fees: $14,925South CollegeAsheville, North CarolinaAnnual College Cost (2008)Tuition and fees: $13,200There are two South Colleges as follows.South CollegeKnoxville, TennesseeAnnual College Cost (2008)Tuition and fees: $14,925South CollegeAsheville, North CarolinaAnnual College Cost (2008)Tuition and fees: $13,200There are two South Colleges as follows.South CollegeKnoxville, TennesseeAnnual College Cost (2008)Tuition and fees: $14,925South CollegeAsheville, North CarolinaAnnual College Cost (2008)Tuition and fees: $13,200There are two South Colleges as follows.South CollegeKnoxville, TennesseeAnnual College Cost (2008)Tuition and fees: $14,925South CollegeAsheville, North CarolinaAnnual College Cost (2008)Tuition and fees: $13,200There are two South Colleges as follows.South CollegeKnoxville, TennesseeAnnual College Cost (2008)Tuition and fees: $14,925South CollegeAsheville, North CarolinaAnnual College Cost (2008)Tuition and fees: $13,200
There are some colleges in the state of Georgia that offer free tuition to senior citizens. However, this policy varies by each institution and university. offers online classes with an affordable tuition. There are other classes, and if you just want to find information on how to get it, you could ask the colleges. is the perfect site to find a list of colleges in Kentucky. This site clearly lists all schools in the state along with in-state tuition, out-of-state tuition, population, and the school's website.