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Insurance is regulated by each state, rather than central regulation by the federal government. Therefore, without knowing where you are located, the question cannot be answered as phrased.

Your best bet would be to check the telephone book under "State Government listings" and find the entry for the Department of Insurance. Be aware, though, that in your state the Department of Insurance may be a subset of a larger agency, so it may take some digging. Another approach would be to go to your state's website, where doubtless there would be a separate listing for the Department of Insurance.

Departments of Insurance consist of many specialized bureaus. If you are a consumer of insurance, your best first inquiry would probably be the Division of Consumer Services (or similar name). If that is not the correct location, they should be able to direct you.

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I assume you are referring to your state Department of Insurance. The Department of Insurance regulates the insurance industry, protects consumers, and provides information and insurance education. You can find more information by either web searching for your state's Department of Insurance.

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Insurance departments are separate for every state. Therefore, you must check with your specific state's insurance department to get a complete listing of insurance providers in that state.

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